Centre for Security and Military Strategic Studies


The Centre for Security and Military Strategic Studies (CSMSS) teach primarily for the fields of security studies, military strategy, strategic management and leadership. It guarantees teaching of such subjects for both degree and other study programmes of the University of Defence.

The CSMSS carries out teaching activities in various forms and types of lifelong learning based essentially on the needs of the Czech armed forces or the requirements placed by the public administration bodies while applying the stipulations of the Act no. 312/2002 on local administration bodies and within the degree study programmes.

CSMSS guarantees the military career courses intended for advanced learning to meet the senior officer or flag officer qualification requirements. The courses form a necessary condition for the promotion system within the Czech Ministry of Defence structure and the military forces. Their purpose is to provide the middle/top management within as well as beyond the defence with general education as appropriate. The CSMSS also guarantees security studies subjects taught for the degree programmes.

The lifelong learning programmes may be studies in any of the three following modes: in-site, distance or combined, first of all as:

  1. Military career courses;
  2. Special courses.

Thus, the lifelong learning programme students may be both the Czech Republic’s citizens and foreigners on international agreement basis.

The Czech MoD personnel are detached for the courses in line with personnel decrees. They report to their units/installations during the course time span. The courses are available for trainees coming from outside of MoD (including the international ones) through MoD Personnel Division offers.

The studies in the military career courses and the special courses follow the CSMSS Director’s Regulations of Lifelong Learning System at the University of Defence.