Centre for Security and Military Strategic Studies


Strategic Defence Management Course

Programme specification

The lifelong learning programme (hereinafter also referred to as „course“ or „programme“) is intended for the continuous education of civil servants and employees in an employment relationship per the service regulation of the Deputy Minister of the Interior for the Civil Service No. 9/2015. The client of the programme is the Czech Republic – Ministry of Defence (State Secretary Section).

The programme prepares an officer for the performance of:

  • Council of Ministers (head of group or a workplace)
  • Senior Council of Ministers (head of department, director of department)
  • Deputy for managing the section and his representatives.


Objective of the study programme

To expand the course participants‘ knowledge and skills in the field of strategic defence management with a focus on its system and process settings; to strengthen the competencies necessary for carrying out a strategic analysis of the external environment and evaluating the internal characteristics of the state defence system, formulating the target direction of the state defence system and its elements.

To strengthen competencies in the state defence strategic documents processing, in strategic planning of the state defence, in managing the principles and procedures of crisis management, in the strategic management and leadership principles application, and in defence resources strategic management.

To practically verify the ability to use the acquired knowledge in written works (case studies); to deepen the ability to manage crisis management activities at the strategic management level and the processing of strategic documents in the state defence field. To create a space for sharing experiences and approaches between course participants.

Entry conditions

The employee per Act No. 234/2014 Coll., on civil service, as amended (hereinafter referred to as the „Civil Service Act“), or an employee per § 178 of the Civil Service Act. Seconded employees are assigned or appointed to positions at the organizational units of the Ministry of Defence, or other service offices, connected with the performance of official tasks in ensuring the state defence at the strategic management level.

A detailed description of the course is given in the study documentation of the course, which is published on the intranet of the MoD department in the staff information system.