Centre for Security and Military Strategic Studies

Centre for Security and Military Strategic Studies (CSMSS or Centre) is a university educational, research, and expert workplace of the University of Defense established under § 22 paragraph 1 letter c) Act No. 111/1998 Coll., on universities. The mission of the Centre is to carry out educational, creative, and expert activities to ensure the state’s defence while respecting the requirements of the MoD department, the ethical rules of the UO, and creative and academic freedoms.

The Centre is the highest educational and research facility in the defence field. It is a unique facility carrying out educational and creative activities in security and military-strategic studies, defence planning and management, strategic leadership, and defence analyses. The Centre provides  education needed for work in leadership positions at the political-military, strategic, and operational military levels and in international security and defence institutions.
Using the most modern trends and methods of educational activities, the Centre prepares military professionals, employees of state bodies, and territorial self-governing units involved in defence.


Other Activities and Publications