Centre for Security and Military Strategic Studies


Strategic Management Planning Course

Strategic Management Planning Course is intended especially for employees of the Department of the Ministry of Defence, who at the strategic level of management participate in the processing of documents in the process of activities and development planning of the Department of the Ministry of Defence and ensure the area of ​​planning and budgeting of the management objectives scope. A suitable participant is an employee who has already been involved in the planning process, preferably for one entire planning cycle.

Course objective

The course aims to clarify the theoretical and practical approaches to the planning process at the strategic level of the Ministry of Defence management, to explain the links and processes of property acquisition, and budgeting, to become familiar with the strategic and planning documents of the Ministry of Defence and the implementation of their content in the current planning process, to evaluate the experience gained in the planning process in the past period and to develop institutional knowledge and cooperation across the spectrum of all entities that are involved in this process at the strategic level of management.

By completing the course, the participants will acquire the necessary knowledge in the field of planning at the strategic level of the Ministry of Defence management. They will familiarize themselves with the content of valid strategic documents, which create assignments for the processing of follow-up planning documents. They will be introduced to the necessary extent with the content of applicable legislation, internal regulations and methodologies that define the process of planning, budgeting and acquisition of property and will acquire basic knowledge regarding SW tools used in planning processes. The creation of space for sharing experiences and approaches between course participants (networking, horizontal communication and search for best practice principles) is part of the course.