Centre for Security and Military Strategic Studies


General Staff Course

Programme specification

The lifelong learning programme (hereinafter also referred to as the „course“ or the „programme“) is intended for senior officers in the rank of lieutenant colonel, who have the prerequisites for holding command and control positions with the required highest military education provided at the national level (education code 07 according to the code of qualification requirements). The course is the same for all specializations. The client of the programme is the Czech Republic – Ministry of Defence (State Secretary Section).

The programme prepares an officer for performance of:

  • command functions at the level of brigade, regiment, wing,
  • management functions at the levels of force components, agency, General Staff,
  • management and staff positions in national representations and NATO/EU/OSCE/UN international staff.


Objective of the study programme

To provide an officer – manager at a higher and top level of management with a general outlook, critical and creative thinking, analytical abilities, and skills, including an ability to make decisions and navigate in the current socio-political and military events in the national and international environment.

Course participants will supplement their knowledge and expand their skills in strategic management, preparation, and ensuring the security and defence of the state and the ability to conceptually design, implement, and manage the process of construction and development of the armed forces.

The development of competencies necessary for successful command and control of military organizational units in solving issues of security and defence of the state as a whole is emphasized.

Entry conditions

Officers with a completed university education in a master’s study program in the rank of lieutenant colonel with knowledge of the English language at the level of at least STANAG 3333, and who are authorized to familiarize themselves with at least „SECRET“ (NATO) classified information can be sent to the course. Officers must be graduates of the Senior Officers Course or its foreign equivalent.

Members of the armed forces of other countries can also participate in the course, based on the conditions and prerequisites defined by contracts between the Ministry of Defence of the Czech Republic and the Ministry of Defence of the given state.

A detailed description is provided in the study documentation​​ of individual courses, which is provided on the intranet pages of the MoD department in the staff information system.