Právě si prohlížíte The IX. International Conference Defence & Strategy 2024, New Era of Security for NATO and the EU, took place

The IX. International Conference Defence & Strategy 2024, New Era of Security for NATO and the EU, took place

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On May 29-31, 2024, the ninth annual international conference Defence & Strategy took place at the University of Defence Club. The conference was organized by the Centre for Security and Military-Strategic Studies (CSMSS) of the University of Defence with the support of Skupina, a.s. The theme of this year’s conference was a new era of security within NATO and the EU, which was captured by its subtitle.

With the international participation of representatives from the United States of America, Poland and Hungary, a total of 14 panel presentations followed by discussions was held.

The purpose of the conference was to contribute to professional academic discussion, sharing new knowledge and ideas and establishing professional and informal contacts.

The organizers of the conference would like to thank all participants for their contributions, helpfulness, fruitful discussion and friendly atmosphere that prevailed at the conference.