Centre for Security and Military Strategic Studies

Current Tasks

STRATAL project – development of the Armed Forces in relation to the security environment (2016-2020).

NATO Science and Technology Organization (STO) projects participation.

Participation in the „Building Design of the Armed forces of the Czech Republic“ – security environment analysis project and a characterization of org sanizational structures capabilities.

Development of new concept „Staff career courses in the Ministry of Defence – system of professional education and training in schools of the Ministry of Defence“.

Devise „A model on sustainable development of MoD“ personnel using VENSIM software and a proposal of the career system based on Act No. 221/1999 Coll.

A new concept of publishing military journals Czech Military Review (Vojenské rozhledy) and Defence & Strategy (Obrana a strategie). Czech Military Review magazine web creation.

OMDZ CBVSS preparation for date 1. 9. 2019, acceptance of responsibility for career preparation courses at the Brno University of Defence.

Educational activities, attendance at conferences, etc.
